Monday, November 21, 2011


OK, just a quick status update on last week's bets to kick this week off. Been busy cranking on those infernal betting engines that will make this site into a game someday.

No one will notice that I'm updating this a little late so let's see where we landed..

1. Brad Pitt retiring in 3yrs, HSX will be up 3pts by 11/20
Um, BPITT started last week at H$ 92.87 when I made the bet and he rose a little before he tanked over the weekend -- closed today at H$ 83.03. Ouch, down almost $H 10. That's nuts.. There's a Hollywood lesson in here somewhere about stepping out of the limelight.. and I lose this bet bigtime.

2. Kirsten Dunst gets a small lift from Melancholia, 1% SEB gain this week
So KD started at 20.70 and got a nice little lift to 21.90, which is almost 6%! Way past 1%. OK, that was a wimpy bet, but at least I win one..

3. Roony Mara restarts upward climb, up 2% HSX this week
I guess the viral tattoo campaign didn't have much impact. Roony is up, but barely.. H$ 0.09! Not even a tenth of the movement I needed to win. BONK! I lose..

4. Bradley Cooper goes flat or drops on HSX by 11/20
I was dying to see the outcome of this one, especially after a steady diet of anti-Cooper snark. Drumroll.. Ha! The day of the sexy prize (and my bet) BC was trading  at H$ 124.24 and trending up -- but lo! A drop! He's down every day since and trading at H$ 120.62. Thanks People magazine. Win for moi!

5. Twilight Breaking Dawn 1 is gonna do less than 120m this weekend
Another baited breath moment for me. But alas, BD1 hit 138m. Didn't knock off Potter, but outperformed Potter DH1 by a chunk. Blech. Loss for me, and for Western Civilization in general.

6. Ricky Gervais barely causes a ripple -- less than 5% uptick -- on Google Search Trends
I had to think this was a slam dunk.. but no. The bum went and almost tripled his numbers the day after this bet -- from relative 0.96 to 2.74! -- but he's now back down under 1. So I lose. Heck. Gotta stay out of the way of that wild trend-o-meter in the future..

7. Kim is bringing down the House of K -- FB ouster poll hits 100k by 11/20 EOD
Man, not even close -- the poll went from 50k to 55k, about 10% when I needed 100%! Another loss for both me and mankind.

8. Long on DMOOR
Last but not least, sweet Deh Mee! I needed to see 2% in a couple days to win my bet. She started at H$ 6.79 and today she's H$ 6.91. Ooooh, so close. H$ 6.92 would be 2% rounded down.. damn, just won't fit. So I lose by a squeak. But I think I proved my point. BTW, AKUTC is up as well nicely. This divorce thing might work out for everybody..

So if you woulda bet against me this week you woulda made out like The Situation on his Eye Talian vacation.. I won two and lost 6! Ha!

OK, on to another week.

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