Tuesday, November 15, 2011

BET: 11/15 -- Tattoo Movie Marketing Re-starts Roony Mara Fame Surge

You're insane if you don't think that Rooney Mara is going to see her career change dramatically with the release of the American film version of the Millenium series. Like.. POW! -- where POW! is a punch in the ladynuts.

How soon will the fame-o-meter trend up? With the sneak previews and test screenings and viral fake-leak campaigns starting starting to flame into the mediasphere I think no doubt she will trend up again.. Notice her slump in July on the HSX? I haven't researched this for an airtight theory but my seat-of-the-pants guess is that she caught an early hype cycle and then everyone went on holiday and forgot about her. Well, I think she'll be back and will see at least 2pts of HSX action before the weekend is out. At least.

Shelby says: Rooney Mara starts her inevitable re-start lurch into fame this week, at least 2% gain on the HSX before next week ($H 45.42 or above by 11:59p 11/20).
You say: Too soon grasshoppa.. too soon.. wait until the movie releases.. less than 2% this week.
Stakes: 1 Brag ($B)
Close: 11/17 EOD

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