Thursday, November 17, 2011

BET: 11/17 -- Occupy The Kardashians

Outrage is in the air so why wouldn't the Kardashians be butt-muscling into the action? Now they are being protested! These people have a genius for the zeitgeist -- don't anyone tell them about Penn State.

Listen, there have always been marriages of convenience and economic gain. And there will plenty more to come.

Obviously someone in the K-mafia (I'm looking at you Kris Jenner) knows that having each of the alpha-sisters with an NBA manbitch would make for some sensational TV. Especially if each of the dudes plays on, let's say, a big market NBA team. Imagine the episodes where the teams play each other? The drama! So, let's see, we've got Mr. Kloe playing for the Lakers, so Mr. Kim should be from the Knicks? Whoops, Danilo wasn't interested, rats! But.. wait.. if you squint I'd say the New Jersey Nets will work just fine. Hello Mr. Humphries, please sign these forms.

What's interesting here is that when economic value of a celebrity marriage becomes so Krassly self-referenced -- that is, when famesque people flaunt the laws of suspension-of-disbelief -- then even the most dopey OMG facetard is going to start feeling used. And then the whole thing collapses. Just ask Spencer of Speidi near-fame.

[I can't resist a couple sports side-bar questions here: Do you think the NBA lockout and likely loss of the season was a factor in the divorce? And, have you noticed the spike in statistical performance of Reggie Bush since the divorce was announced? Wheels within wheels, baby..]

So, is Kim the third horse of the Kardashian apocalpyse? Are we almost there? Ha! I can hear the interwebs singing!!

Shelby says: the FB petition-movement to oust the Kardashians from TV is 50k+ strong and will be over 100k by Sunday night (11/20 11:59p).
You say: yeah, haters gonna hate but that goofy FB page we won't be at 100k "likes" that quickly..
Stakes: 1 Brag ($B)
Close: 11/18
Data of Record: Boycot RealityTV


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