Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Carly Stays Hot Another Day

Looks Carly Rae Jepsen, a little girl from BC, is lighting up the twitterverse after signing a deal with Beiber's Schoolboy Records last week. Check out the spike on FEB 15

I say she stays above 0.1% tomorrow --  she's now in Bieber-country now and her current hit song is as listenable as a Taylor Swift song. She certainly brings out my inner 14yr old girl.

Of course The Beibs is floggin her his own twitter account and running interference with "The Beliebers" who apparently are a little uneasy with his Justin's transition from smary teen idol to smarmy recording mogul. How does this first flash in the pan not sustain for at least one more day? We'll see..

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